Railroad Ink™

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Roll your way to a transportation empire!

In Railroad Ink™, your goal is to connect as many exits on your board as possible. Roll the dice to determine which kind of road and railway routes are available this round, then draw the routes on your erasable boards to create transport lines and connect your exits! Try to optimize the available symbols better than your opponents: the more exits you connect, the more points you score at the end of the game, but you lose points for each incomplete route, so plan carefully!

In the Deep Blue Edition, the Lake and River dice add in some cool, refreshing waterways to the maps. But in the Blazing Red Edition, Meteors fall from the sky and Volcanoes erupt from underground. It’s a challenge to keep their roads and rails from getting destroyed, and having to repair them when they are.

Or, players can combine the two for epic, 12-player games! Each box allows you to play from 1 to 6 players, and if you combine more boxes, you can play with up to 12 players (or more). The only limit to the number of players is the number of boards you have!




Age                        8+

No. Players           1- 6 

Time                      ~30 mins

Extra                      Rule Book


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