MAKERbuino - a DIY game console

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Ever wanted to build your own game console? MAKERbuino is what you need!

This neat little device is an open source game console you can build yourself (it’s fully DIY – do it yourself).

Besides being a cool retro handheld device, MAKERbuino is also an educational device shaped like a game console.


Make your own Game Boy!

With MAKERbuino you can build your own game console from scratch! It’s assembled with ease. All of the components are easy to solder. All you need is some basic soldering skills and you’re good to go! 

The device is based on easy-to-find components and programmed in Arduino – one of the most popular DIY microcontroller platforms.

More than a game console

MAKERbuino’s hardware and software are extremely hackable. The kit was designed to encourage you to make new content and extensions for it. Building the MAKERbuino kit is only the beginning. Program a cool retro game, add an extra analog stick, connect a GSM module, use your MAKERbuino to control a quadcopter, add a Wi-Fi module and connect it to the internet…
We can’t wait to see what amazing MAKERbuino software and hardware projects you can make!


Design a custom 3D printed or CNC cut casing, change the button caps, turn your MAKERbuino in a cellphone… Make your MAKERbuino unique. Throughout the process of hacking and customization, you’ll enter the world of electronics, CAD designing, 3D printing, programming, all in a fun and challenging way.

Nevertheless, MAKERbuino is not only for the beginners. It’s capabilities will keep more advanced users busy as well.

A vast open-source game library

MAKERbuino is fully compatible with Gamebuino, our collaborative project. That means that you can play with a vast library of games made by the community and available online with source code: creations gallery


Playing games on a game console you've made is fun. But you know what's even more fun: having a multiplayer gaming party on retro DIY game consoles.

You heard it, MAKERbuino game consoles can connect with link cables, exchange data, and play multiplayer games.

The consoles communicate using i2c communication - a type of communication protocol used to interface microcontrollers with sensors and other microcontrollers.

Since i2c is serial, you can chain more than 2 MAKERbuino consoles together using link cables. Theoretically, you can connect up to 128 MAKERbuinos together and make a massive multiplayer match.

MAKERbuino tutorials

Looking for the build guide? Click the HERE!


Age 11+ is advised. Average build time:  5 – 6 hours (depending on user’s skill level).
*You’ll need some basic soldering and assembly skills to put the kit together.


Inspired by Gamebuino, made in collaboration with Gamebuino

We followed the Gamebuino project since the launch of the initial campaign in 2013. The MAKERbuino project started as a weekend DIY Gamebuino and grew into something more. Now we collaborate with the creator of Gamebuino that generously helps the project, promotes it and sells it on the official Gamebuino shop.

Standard Kit includes:

  • unassembled MAKERbuino kit
  • 128MB SD card loaded with games
  • USB-TTL programmer board (for connecting your MAKERbuino to a computer and programming it)

Kit with Tools includes:

  • unassembled MAKERbuino kit
  • 128MB SD card loaded with games
  • USB-TTL programmer board (for connecting your MAKERbuino to a computer and programming it)
  • diagonal cutter pliers
  • screwdriver
  • some solder
  • needle nose pliers
  • snazzy USB soldering iron
  • USB cable for the soldering iron
  • metallic soldering iron holder
  • small sponge (for cleaning the soldering iron)

Fun fact: this soldering iron is light, small, and portable and can be plugged in a USB power bank so that you can solder on the go.

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